It is an Online directory focussing on the latest details as possible of Independent Churches of Christ’s and Bible institutions which are teaching Christian beliefs around the globe. Everyone can check the details of the churches on their dedicated web page in our directory.
If there is no dedicated web page available for a particular church or institution, you can communicate with us to get the contact details of that church or institute
We have the details of all the churches and institutions which are listed in this directory.
The authenticity of the teachings of the churches and institutions listed in this directory is not guaranteed, yet we do our best to verify it. If you like to share any information regarding any of the listing in this web directory is much appreciated.
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Happy Searching
FREE Dedicated Website Page and Web Address for all
Whoever likes to have, we provide a "Free and Exclusive Web Page"
for their local church or institution for their personal use.
www.your church name
www.your institute name
You can find details in the Directory section
If you like to have a dedicated page, then Please follow the steps below:
: Go to the “Statement of Faith” section and read it carefully.
: Go to the contact page and give the necessary details which are needed to create a dedicated page.
Shown below is the list of details needed for creating a web page. You can also send details by e-mail with the necessary details.
List of Details Needed for Churches
- Name of the Local Church
- Name of the Elders (if any)
- Name of the Preacher/s
- Name of Deacons (if any)
- Name of the Song Leaders (if any)
- Name of the Office Staff (if any)
- Total Numbers of the Baptised Members:
- Sunday Services Timings
- Weekdays Devotion Timing
- Online Devotion Timing
- Men’s Meeting Timing
- Ladies Meeting Timing
- Youth Meeting Timing
- Children bible Class Timing
- Full Address of chapel
- Contact Numbers (chapel/preacher/elders)
- Website Address (if any)
- E-mail id (if any) (chapel/preacher/elders)
- Facebook id (if any)
- YouTube Channel (if any)
- Blog (if any)
- Details of Ministries and other Program:
Like Youth ministry, Campus ministry, Home meetings, Outreach program, Mission Works etc.. - Any other information you need to include on the web page.
List of Details Needed for Institutions
- Name of the Institute
- Name of Key Peoples
- Courses & Duration
- Minimum Enrollment Criteria for each course
- A short note about the institution
- Full Address
- Website (if any)
- E-mail id (if any)
- Facebook id (if any)
- YouTube Channel
- Blog
- Contact Numbers
- Any other information you need to include on the web page.
Please send separate details for churches and institutions
“All the Churches of Christ greets you”
Romans 16:16